Your 10-step Skincare routine

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Step 1: Oil Cleanser

Start with an oil cleanser to dissolve makeup, sunscreen,and excess sebum. This ensures that your skin is clean for the rest of your routine.
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Step 2: Water Cleanser

Follow up with a water-based cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture.
Green Plum Cleanser Close Up.webp__PID:722ec7f9-b89b-415b-8147-213dcd02b512BOJ - Green Plum Cleanser.png__PID:14fdb056-dc4a-4145-a4b4-a826d83c0761
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RED Bean Mask.webp__PID:ef138036-a7d6-4535-b1ad-4a2893d3a080Red Bean Mask.png__PID:aba6c205-a1c1-42db-89f4-9f07c9de9aed

Step 3: Exfoliate

Gently exfoliate to smooth skin texture, revealing a brighter, more even complexion.
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Step 4: TONER

Hydrate and prep your skin with a toner that balances your pH and enhances absorption of the next steps.
download (14) (1).webp__PID:411d7200-b619-4c88-841d-a2699c4a7adeAnua Heartleaf 77% Toner. Daily Toner Oil Cleanser.png__PID:dc4a7145-24b4-4826-983c-0761aba6c205
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How To Use COSRX Snail Mucin Essence.webp__PID:4bc2dd20-4251-4e39-b3e7-8019444df514COSRX - Snail 96 Mucin.png__PID:714524b4-a826-483c-8761-aba6c205a1c1

Step 5: Essence

Boost your skin’s moisture levels and add a dewy glow with a lightweight essence.
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Step 6: Serum/

Target specific concerns brightening, firming, or smoothing with a potent serum that delivers concentrated ingredients where your skin needs them most.
Compressed Axis-Y Serum Custom.webp__PID:aa130f22-9629-402a-84b8-94b1a8f04029Axis-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum.png__PID:24b4a826-d83c-4761-aba6-c205a1c1e2db
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beauty of joseon ground rice and honey glow mask (1).webp__PID:d4afc6f1-5158-4307-80ec-c29238064ffcHoney  + Rice Mask Glow Mask.png__PID:b056dc4a-7145-44b4-a826-d83c0761aba6

Step 7: Masks

Indulge your skin with a nourishing mask that instantly boosts hydration and nutrients.
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Step 8: Eye care

Care for the delicate eye area with a cream that reduces puffiness and smooths fine lines.
REVIVE EYE SERUM HOW TO USE.webp__PID:93715f5a-51c5-4b19-9506-f7c13eec7136BOJ - Revive Eye Serum.png__PID:a826d83c-0761-4ba6-8205-a1c1e2db89f4
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Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream Product Usage.gif__PID:200f2467-519a-430b-9d24-61ecc7e85d18Beauty of Joseon - Dynasty Cream Daily Moisturiser.png__PID:d83c0761-aba6-4205-a1c1-e2db89f49f07

Step 9: Moisturiser

Lock in all the benefits of your routine with a moisturiser that hydrates, plumps and protects your skin's barrier.
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Step 10: Sunscreen

Shield your skin from UV damage and prevent premature ageing with a broad-spectrum SPF that's the ultimate must-have in any routine. 
BOJ Relief Sun GIF.webp__PID:7548ef77-fa37-4155-9e90-aa7a3ce48cbfBOJ - Relief Sun.png__PID:0761aba6-c205-41c1-a2db-89f49f07c9de
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Step 1: Oil Cleanser

Start with an oil cleanser to dissolve makeup, sunscreen,and excess sebum. This ensures that your skin is clean for the rest of your routine.

Shop Oil Cleansers

Step 2: Water Cleanser

Follow up with a water-based cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin without stripping it of its natural moisture.

Shop Water Cleansers
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Green Plum Cleanser Close Up.webp__PID:722ec7f9-b89b-415b-8147-213dcd02b512BOJ - Green Plum Cleanser.png__PID:14fdb056-dc4a-4145-a4b4-a826d83c0761
RED Bean Mask.webp__PID:ef138036-a7d6-4535-b1ad-4a2893d3a080Red Bean Mask.png__PID:aba6c205-a1c1-42db-89f4-9f07c9de9aed
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Step 3: Exfoliate

Gently exfoliate to smooth skin texture,revealing a brighter, more even complexion.

Shop Exfoliants

Step 4: Toner

Hydrate and prep your skin with a toner that balances your pH and enhances absorption of the next steps.

Shop Toners
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download (14) (1).webp__PID:411d7200-b619-4c88-841d-a2699c4a7adeAnua Heartleaf 77% Toner. Daily Toner Oil Cleanser.png__PID:dc4a7145-24b4-4826-983c-0761aba6c205
How To Use COSRX Snail Mucin Essence.webp__PID:4bc2dd20-4251-4e39-b3e7-8019444df514COSRX - Snail 96 Mucin.png__PID:714524b4-a826-483c-8761-aba6c205a1c1
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Step 5: Essence

Boost your skin’s moisture levels and add a dewy glow with a lightweight essence.

Shop Essences

Step 6: Serum

Target specfic concerns brightening, firming, or smoothing with a potent serum that delivers concentrated ingredients where your skin needs them most.

Shop Serums
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AXIS - Y - Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum - GlowYeosinAxis-Y Dark Spot Correcting Glow Serum.png__PID:24b4a826-d83c-4761-aba6-c205a1c1e2db
beauty of joseon ground rice and honey glow mask (1).webp__PID:d4afc6f1-5158-4307-80ec-c29238064ffcHoney  + Rice Mask Glow Mask.png__PID:b056dc4a-7145-44b4-a826-d83c0761aba6
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Step 7: Masks

Indulge your skin with a nourishing mask that instantly boosts hydration and nutrients.

Shop Masks

Step 8: Eye Care

Care for the delicate eye area with a cream that reduces puffiness and smooths fine lines.

Shop Eye Care
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REVIVE EYE SERUM HOW TO USE.webp__PID:93715f5a-51c5-4b19-9506-f7c13eec7136BOJ - Revive Eye Serum.png__PID:a826d83c-0761-4ba6-8205-a1c1e2db89f4
Beauty of Joseon Dynasty Cream Product Usage.webp__PID:ee6009f0-a473-4282-bf2f-0b9e0029acd1Beauty of Joseon - Dynasty Cream Daily Moisturiser.png__PID:d83c0761-aba6-4205-a1c1-e2db89f49f07
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Step 9: Moisturiser

Lock in all the benefits of your routine with a moisturiser that hydrates, plumps and protects your skin's barrier.

Shop Moisturisers

Step 10: Suncream

Shield your skin from UV damage and prevent premature ageing with a broad-spectrum SPF that's the ultimate must-have in any routine.

Shop Suncreams
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BOJ Relief Sun GIF.webp__PID:7548ef77-fa37-4155-9e90-aa7a3ce48cbfBOJ - Relief Sun.png__PID:0761aba6-c205-41c1-a2db-89f49f07c9de